Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Backup & restore DB2 database

Following will be helpful when you need to backup and restore a db2 database;  

To back-up;
Type following command in command editor.
backup db to <db_name> to <location>
i.e. backup db YUM to c:\db_dump 

When this command is successfully executed the following will appear in the response window; "Backup successful. The timestamp for this backup imageloca is: xxxxxxxxxxx" 

The dump will be available in the location you specified with the timestamp (stated above) being part of its name.
i.e. YUM.0.DB2.NODE0000.20120103141256.001  

To restore;
Type following command in command editor.
restore db taken at <time-stamp>
i.e. restore db YUM taken at 20120103141256

Day 03 Gala Dinner Highlight Video