Following will be helpful when you need to backup and restore a db2 database;
To back-up;
Type following command in command editor.
backup db to
<db_name> to <location>
i.e. backup db YUM toc:\db_dump
When this command is successfully executed the following will appear in the response window;
"Backup successful. The timestamp for this backup imageloca is: xxxxxxxxxxx"
The dump will be available in the location you specified with the timestamp (stated above) being part of its name.
i.e. YUM.0.DB2.NODE0000.20120103141256.001
To restore;
Type following command in command editor.
restore db taken at <time-stamp>
i.e. restore db YUM taken at 20120103141256
To back-up;
Type following command in command editor.
backup db
i.e. backup db YUM to
The dump will be available in the location you specified with the timestamp (stated above) being part of its name.
i.e. YUM.0.DB2.NODE0000.20120103141256.001
To restore;
Type following command in command editor.
restore db