Monday, November 1, 2010

Backing up and restoring a mySql database

1. Create backup

$ mysqldump -u root -proot regdb > /home/yumani/Documents/regdb_back.sql

2. Restore

Create a database in mysql and the grant user access
mysql >  create database regdb;
mysql >  grant all on regdb.* to wso2bam@'%' identified by 'wso2bam';

$ mysql -u root -proot regdb < /home/yumani/Documents/regdb_back.sql

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Removing mySQL

sudo apt-get remove mysql-server
sudo apt-get autoremove mysql-server
sudo apt-get --purge remove mysql-server

same for mysql-client.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Setting-up and accessing Derby DB in Ubuntu

1. Download Derby bin distribution from here.

2. Extract it.

3. Set DERBY_HOME and add it to the path.
vi ~/.bashrc

Add as below;
export DERBY_HOME=/opt/software/db-derby-

Then source bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

4. Run $DERBY_HOME/bin/
sh startNetworkServer

5. To use ij tool;
set DERBY_OPTS=-Dij.protocol=jdbc:derby://localhost/

Then type ij on the prompt to get the ij tool, where u can type in commands.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Notes on Cloud!

Did a little lazy work.. Below is some notes I directly copied from an IBM white paper (soucre is given below).

Source :
Dispelling the vapor around cloud computing Drivers, barriers and considerations for public andnprivate cloud adoption                             
IBM Smart Business
Thought Leadership White Paper
January 2010

What is cloud computing?

Cloud delivery models:

Cloud based service management capabilities that are essential:

Main elements in cloud architecture:

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Excellent guide with simple steps -

Friday, June 11, 2010

VMware player in Ubuntu9.10

VWware player is a graphical interface tool which lets you open vm images.

To intsall this in ubuntu;

1 -  You need to download VMPlayer (VMware Player for 32-bit Linux) from vmware website.

2 - apt-get the pre-requisites
sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r)
3 - Give executable rights to the .bundle file that you downloaded in step 1
chmod +x VMware-Pl*.bundle
4 - Run the installer
gksudo bash ./VMware-Player*.bundle
After its installed, you can access VMware Player from Applications > System Tools > VMware Player

Monday, June 7, 2010

SSH commands

To connect from your local machine:
ssh -l username ipaddresss
To copy a file to a directory on a remote system:
scp filename username@host:path
filename - the name of the file to be uploaded to the remote system,
username - the name of user account to be used to log into the remote system,
host - the real IP address or hostname of the system,
path - the directory into which the file should be copied.
To copy from the remote system to the local system:
scp username@ehost:path/filename


Thursday, June 3, 2010


WASP is a powerful web application framework built on PHP 5. WASP strives to allow web developers to make great applications with more fun and less code, but in the familiar playground of PHP.

WASP was written from the ground up in pure Object Oriented PHP5. WASP fully utilizes all of the enhancements made to PHP in version 5.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Came across the term "NoSQL" from one of the mail threads in WSO2 carbon-dev mailing list.

What is NoSQL, I didn't know it. Even wondered whether its a typo :p... can't obviously be. So googled;

Here's the wikipedia intro (until I read more detailed stuff later);

"NoSQL is a movement promoting a loosely defined class of non-relational data stores that break with a long history of relational databases. These data stores may not require fixed table schemas, usually avoid join operations and typically scale horizontally. Academics and papers typically refer to these databases as structured storage.
Notable production implementations include Google's BigTable and Amazon's Dynamo. However, there are also many publicly available open source variants including HBase and Cassandra."

NoSQL. (2010, May 14). In Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,retrieved 21 May 2010, from

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

mySQL - basics

A note copied from someone blogged in web . Was extremely handy when I was picking mysql commands from here and there ...

Install MySql database:
sudo apt-get install mysql-server

Start MySql server:
/etc/init.d/mysql start

Stop MySql server:
/etc/init.d/mysql stop

Restart MySql server:
/etc/init.d/mysql restart

Check the status of  MySql server:
/etc/init.d/mysql status

List mysql packages
dpkg -l mysql

uninstall mysql server

 apt-get --purge remove mysql-server-5.0

re-install mysql server
 apt-get --reinstall install mysql-server-5.0

 Invoking mysql command-line tool
mysql --user=user_name --password=your_password db_name 

To allow remote connections

Monday, May 10, 2010

Postgres- basics

1. login to postgres -
sudo -u postgres psql postgres

2. Create a database
create database is_db;

3. grant permission
grant all on database is_db to postgres;

in above;
postgres is the user who was created at the time PostrSQL was installed.

4. to navigate to the files system from postgres prompt.
\cd c:cc\vv\vv\v\mmmm

5. run a script
\i postgre.sql

6. quit postgres

Monday, April 26, 2010

Moved to Ubuntu 9.10

After all my effort of fighting away the virus attacks in my WinXP environment, I decided to move to Ubuntu.  I feel the time and resource put on virus scanners, isn't worth it. So I installed Ubuntu 9.10 and setup my test environment there.

This blog is about the test enviro nment setting-up (which can be useful next time I think of a change)

Software that were gathered;
Sun JDK1.6 - jdk-6u2-linux-i586.bin
idea - idea-8.0.tar.gz
ant -
maven - maven-2.0.7-bin.tar.gz
tomcat -
directoryStudio - ApacheDirectoryStudio-linux-x86-1.5.3.v20100330.tar.gz
jboss - 

Installation and setting-up;
- navigate to folder u hv the bin distro and run it
sh ./jdk-6u2-linux-i586.bin 
sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk sun-java6-jre

- Unpack the IntelliJ IDEA distribution file
tar -xvz idea-8.0.tar.gz

- Go to IDEA_HOM/bin and type sh

Simply unzip the zip distro

untar the tar.gz distribution

unzip the distro
untar the tar.gz distribution

After installing the software, set the home path in bashrc
-type at promt; 
sudo vi ~/.bashrc

 -Change below;
export JAVA_HOME=/opt/software/java/jdk1.6.0_02
export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin

export IDEA_HOME=/opt/software/idea/idea-9013
export PATH=$PATH:$IDEA_HOME/bin

export ANT_HOME=/opt/software/ant/apache-ant-1.7.0
export PATH=$PATH:$ANT_HOME/bin

export MAVEN_HOME=/opt/software/maven/maven-2.0.7

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